When it comes to safeguarding your hard-earned cash, you need to select the right financial institution. And although all banks accept deposits and give out loans, other services set them apart. Most banks nowadays provide internet banking and mobile banking, provide Visa cards that give you access to countless ATMs and outlets, and even insurance services. In Westlands, you will find such banks which are public, private, or even foreign-owned. Check out the following banks in Westlands.
1. Stanbic Bank
This particular branch with a modern architectural design is the head office of Stanbic Bank. It has a large parking area with tight security, which means your valuables are safe. Products at Stanbic range from online banking, motor vehicle insurance, and mobile banking, not to mention diaspora banking services. With an accessible location along Chiromo Road, you can pop in at any time during working hours to ask about other services they offer.
Location: Chiromo Road
Contacts: 020 3638000
Working hours: 8:30 am to 5 pm daily. 8:30 am to 12 pm on Saturdays. Closed on Sundays.
Google Rating: 4.3 stars, (52 reviews)

2. Equity Bank
This is among the largest banks in Kenya and has branches in five other African countries. It offers integrated financial services intended to help you achieve your financial goals. Services include account opening, paying and sending money, saving and investing, and even borrowing. And with Eazzy banking, you get to bank digitally. You may visit this particular branch to get updated information on what more is on offer.
Location: Woodvale Grove
Contacts: 0763 068 055
Working hours: 8 am to 4.30 pm daily. 8 am to 12 pm on Saturdays. Closed on Sundays.
Google Rating: 2.3 stars, (30 reviews)
3. ABC Bank
Located along Woodvale Grove and Mpaka Roads, this financial institution occupies ABC Bank House. It is famed for its friendly customer support, friendly staff, and amiable security guards. Internet and diaspora banking are some of its fortes, but they also offer personal and business banking, with over fifteen branches countrywide.
Location: Woodvale Grove
Contacts: 020 4447352
Working hours: 8 am to 5 pm daily. 9 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. Closed on Sundays.
Google Rating: 4.4 stars, (15 reviews)
4. SBM Bank
Just in case you are searching for a foreign-owned bank to invest your money, then State Bank of Mauritius, Kenya is one of the best. Its Westlands branch is easily accessible via Westlands Road and Crossway. Some of the services include deposit taking, savings, and investment. You can also use their mobile app to access financial services. Customers love this particular branch because of the friendly staff and quick services.
Location: Shimmers Plaza, Crossway Nairobi
Contacts: 020 37544445
Working hours: 9 am to 4 pm daily. 9.30 am to 12 pm on Saturdays. Closed on Sundays.
Google Rating: 4.4 stars, (13 reviews)
5. GTBank
Guaranty Trust Bank, located at the SkyPark building along Waiyaki Way, is a regional bank, with services for both individuals and corporate. It gives customers a superior experience with twenty-four hours ATM and E-Banking services. This particular branch is very accessible, so you can visit it the next time you are in Westlands.
Location: SkyPark Building, Nairobi ExpressWay
Contacts: 0703 084 000
Working hours: 8:30 am to 4 pm daily. 9 am to 4 pm on Saturdays.
Google Rating: 3.9 stars, (13 reviews)
6. National Bank
When it comes to a trusted government institution, National Bank is among the best. This financial institution can be accessed either via Mpaka Road, or Parklands Road. It has eight teller slots, meaning they easily serve more customers. And with a large seating area, you won’t stand while waiting to be served. The bank has a range of products including digital banking, savings and investments, and loan products.
Location: Victoria Plaza
Contacts: 020 2077373
Working hours: 9 am to 4 pm daily. Closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
Google Rating: 3.3 stars, (10 reviews)
7. Paramount Bank
Located at Woodvale Grove, Westlands, this financial institution that is open through Saturdays was established to offer mortgage banking services. It has currently expanded to offer credit facilities, internet banking, and insurance products. To top it all, it provides cards to its members including debit cards and Master cards.
Location: Sound Plaza, Woodvale Grove
Contacts: 0709 935 000
Working hours: 8.30 am to 4.30 pm daily. 9 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. Closed on Sundays.
Google Rating: 3.8 stars, (6 reviews)
8. First Community Bank
Whether you want to save, open an account, or simply invest your money, this Sharia’h compliant is ready to help. Sandwiched between Mpaka and Crossway Roads, you can easily access it to enjoy their services. The bank has branches throughout the country which are regulated by CBK. Their phone app helps you to access banking services from anywhere with an internet connection.
Location: Mpaka Road, Nairobi
Contacts: 020 2843000
Working hours: 9 am to 4 pm daily. 9 am to 1 pm on Saturdays.
Google Rating: 3.0 stars, (4 reviews)
9. NCBA Bank
The ideal location of NCBA Westlands means that you can go shopping and still access financial services. Located at The Mall Westlands, this financial institution provides cutting-edge technology to ensure you access services conveniently. Its products are primarily tailored to meet your needs. It can be accessed via Ring Road Parklands and has friendly staff who are ready to guide you.
Location: The Mall, Westlands
Contacts: 0711 056 444
Working hours: 8.30 am to 4 pm daily. 9 am to 12 pm on Saturdays. Closed on Sundays.
Google Rating: 5.0 stars, (4 reviews)
10. Guardian Bank
Guardian Bank, with branches in five countries, is a financial institution owned by the Chandaria family. With different financial services on offer, this is among the best banks in Westlands. It provides credit facilities, forex exchange, and even internet banking. The next time you want to invest your hard-earned cash, visit the branch to see what else is on offer.
Location: Mpaka Road, Westlands
Contacts: 020 444 3970
Working hours: 9 am to 4 pm daily. 9 am to 12 pm on Saturdays. 9.30 am to 1 pm on Sundays.
Google Rating: 3.7 stars, (3 reviews)

Going with the above financial institution, there is no doubt that Westlands has some of the best banks not only in Nairobi but also in the country. This is largely due to a large ex-pat community and the fact that Westlands is home to several private and public organizations. Each time you are considering banking your money, have the above banks for a start.