Where is Utawala found?
Found along the Eastern Bypass, Utawala is 23 kilometers away from Nairobi by road.
In which ward, constituency, and county is Utawala?
Utawala is a county assembly ward in Embakasi East Constituency which is part of Nairobi County.
What is the size of Utawala and number of residents?
Utawala has a total population of 32,517 and covers roughly 23km².
What is the Post Office Code for Utawala?
Utawala residents use the Embakasi post code for mail and parcel delivery which is 00501
How can climate in the Utawala region be described?
Utawala is one of the warmer regions in Nairobi, partially thanks to its proximity to drier areas like Machakos County.
It gets cooler towards the middle of the year and experiences rainfall in the months of April and November.
What house types are available in Utawala?
Utawala is characterized by many family homesteads bearing different designs since they have all been built uniquely by various owners.
Utawala also has the typical gated community which is a regular occurrence in most Nairobi neighbourhoods.

Are houses in Utawala for sale or rent?
Houses in Utawala are available for clients who want to rent, as well as those who want to buy a home.
What Sizes are these Houses?
Homes in Utawala vary in size depending on the location as well as the price. Maisonettes are spacious with sufficient backyard space, while individual homes tend to be much larger.
What security situation is expected in Utawala?
Utawala has remained relatively safe to live in, thanks to sufficient security provided by officers from the nearby police station.
The area still experiences major robberies although these tend to be rare and are the exception.
Where does water in Utawala come from?
Water in Utawala is sourced from NCWSC, which has multiple sources as well as various storage and treatment areas in the city.
How consistent is the water supply?
Utawala has largely been unaffected by water shortages resulting from rationing or dry weather in Nairobi.
However, construction or repair activities on pipes in the area have been known to result in shortages as long as two days.

What water companies operate Utawala?
Utawala belongs to the Eastern Region of Nairobi as categorized by Nairobi Water. Specific zones in proximity to the area are Zone 2 and 5 of Komarock and Embakasi respectively.
Who supplies electricity power in Utawala?
In Utawala, all electricity repairs and supply as well as bills and metering are carried out by the national distributor, Kenya Power.
How often are blackouts expected in Utawala?
Malicious third party interference of power lines in the Utawala and Embakasi areas often leads to sudden power interruptions and residents have to wait until the issue is resolved to get power back.
Other scheduled interruptions are often planned and announced in advance for residents to prepare accordingly.
What types of schools are available to residents in Utawala?
Pre-Schools in Utawala
- Utawala Kindergarten & Primary School
- Famica Montessori Kindergarten
- Utawala Tender Care Junior School
- The PlayPin Daycare & Kindergarten, Utawala
- St. Bakhita Kindergarten Eagle Plains
- Little Scholars Preschool and Kindergarten
Junior and Middle Schools in Utawala
- Utawala Academy
- Embakasi Benedicta Academy
- St. Comboni School Utawala
- St. Bakhita Elite School Utawala
- Ruaiveld Junior School.
- Rophine Field Junior School-Main School
Which hospitals are open around Utawala?
Private health facilities in Utawala
- Bristol Park Hospital Utawala
- Komarock Modern Healthcare Hospital
- Grace Memorial Hospital
- The Nairobi West Hospital Utawala
- Komarock Modern Healthcare
- Medverse Community Hospital
Public health facilities in Utawala
- Utawala Estate Health Centre
- Utawala Medical Centre
- Kayole II Sub County Hospital
- Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital
- Njiru Health Center

Missionary health facilities in Utawala
- Jamii Yadah Medical Center, Utawala
- Reinha Rosary Mission Hospital
- St Bakhita Dispensary
- Mariakani Cottage Hospital Utawala
- Imani Hospital Utawala
- Comboni Missionary Sisters Health Programme
- Eldevale Trust Jamaa Mission Hospital
Which Gymnasium facilities are found in Utawala?
- Utawala Gym & Aerobics(Jambo Plaza)
- Deluxe Gym Utawala
- Fresh,Fit and Fitness Gym
- Planet Gym Fitness National Oil Githunguri
- BMI Fitness Center
- Fedha Superfit Gym And Aerobics
Which Beauty Spas are located in Utawala?
- Estique Spa & Barbershop
- Binzari Barber, Salon, Day Spa
- Marcia Spa, Salon & Barbershop
- Patma Barber Shop and Spa, Utawala
- Men’s Cave Barber Shop and Spa, Utawala
- Fuzion Salon & Spa
What Pharmacies are found in Utawala?
- Pharmaplus Pharmacy Embakasi
- Linawi Pharmaceuticals, Utawala
- Utawala Bypass Chemist
- St Michael Chemist Limited (Utawala)
- Still Waters Pharmacy – Utawala
- Nyalymed Chemist
What Motor Garages run in Utawala?
- Suba Motors Limited
- Amani Tire Repair & Services
- Okero The Mobile Mechanic
- Riverspring Auto Garage
- Rakis Auto Garage
- Wiistein Automotive Utawala
Which Car washes are available in Utawala?
- Delight Car Wash Utawala
- Platinum Shine Car Wash
- High Pressure Car Wash
- Eastgate Car Wash Services
- The Epic Shine Steam Car Wash
- Blessing Carwash Parking
Where can you buy food items in Utawala?
- Tumaini Supermarket
- Magunas Supermarket
- Naivas Supermarket-Utawala
- Brilliant Supermarket
- Quick Mart
- Otomatt Supermarket Utawala
Areas with Household Items in Utawala
- Fancy Home Decor
- Jumia-Smartlife Households
- Utawala Shopping Mall
- Capital Shopping Mall, Utawala Road
- Kizazi Furniture
- Bridge Court Utawala
Which Network providers are available in Utawala?
- Phyltech Solutions Limited
- Colorzone Limited
- Simba Telecom-Head Office
- Wilken Group Of Companies
- Alwen Networks/Fibre Connect
- Telecommunication and Internet Service Provider Consultant
Which Wi-Fi and office cable providers operate in Utawala?
- Big Data Wi-Fi
- Eastlands Fidelity
- Click Telcom Wifi Booster
- SharpTech Wireless – Reliable & Fast Unlimited Internet
- VGG Connect
- Wananchi Group Ltd-Head Office