KSH 795K

  • 2 Bedroom
  • Ruai

Amenities Available

Types & Setting

About the House

The property is located 12Kms from Quickmart, Ruai (along the newly tarmacked road going to Mwalimu Farm.)It is also 11kms from Kona, Kamakis (on the proposed Eastern Bypass Loop from Ruiru.)It is 1900m from the end of tarmac from Ruai and 700m from the G.E.B Loop from Ruiru.Mwalimu Farm is in Gatongora Ward of Ruiru Sub-county, Kiambu County. Borders Kasarani Constituency to the South (Embakasi Ranching) and Sukari Ranch (NORTHLANDS CITY) and KAMAKIS to the West, and Gīkumari to the North.PRICE

Cash Offer Price: Ksh 745,000/=(Deposit 300k and pay Balance in 3 months)Installment price Ksh 785,000/=(Pay 300,000/= deposit balance in 6 months.)READY TITLESEach of the plots has an individual title. Once someone finishes paying, it is just transferred to their names.

SERVICED PLOTSThe plots are serviced with:

Perimeter FenceInternal Access RoadsClearly Marked Beacon

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Listed By

Smart Focus


Listing time on Hauzisha
11 months ago

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