Well Inbuilt wardrobeSpacious kitchen with cabinet and sinkHas a tiled floorCCTV surveillanceTocken electricityWater flow throughoutHot shower systemSecurity tightIt's near the road
Humphrey Kingspin
Well Inbuilt wardrobeHas a tiled floorTocken electricityWater flow throughoutHot shower systemSecurity tightIt's near the road
Has a tiled floorCCTV surveillanceTocken electricityLaundry areaWater flow throughoutSecurity tightIt's near the roadWell densely pupulated Estate
Tocken electricityWater flow throughoutSecurity tightIt's near the roadOwn washroomChanging croom
Inbuilt wardrobeTocken electricityLaundry areaWater flow throughoutHot shower systemSecurity tightIt's near the road
Near 2 goverment schools CCTV surveillanceTocken electricityWater flow throughoutSecurity tightIt's near the road
Well Inbuilt wardrobeSpacious kitchen with cabinet and sinkHas a tiled floorCCTV surveillanceLaundry areaWater flow throughoutHot shower systemSecurity tightIt's near the road
Spacious kitchen with cabinet and sinkHas a tiled floorTocken electricityWater flow throughoutHot shower systemSecurity tightIt's near the road
This one bedroomed house is located around Tena estate near Rockfields Academy it is also near the main road (outering) it has good security and uses Token electricity
Derrick Omondi
Well Inbuilt wardrobeSpacious kitchen with cabinet and sinkHas a tiled floor Tocken electricityWater flow throughoutHot shower systemSecurity tightIt's near the road
Well Inbuilt wardrobeSpacious kitchen with cabinet and sinkHas a tiled floorTocken electricityWater flow throughoutHot shower systemSecurity tightIt's near the road